Account Maintenance API
Technical Notes
The Create Account API provides functionality to build new accounts with all the required parameters.
- To add a secondary cardholder, DO NOT use the CreateAccount API but rather use /omaha/cardholder/ POST in the Cardholder Maintenance API - to ensure proper credit bureau reporting.
- To validate account ownership, an additional transaction may be used when specifying the account number.
Co-op does NOT perform validation for fields lacking any validation, such as:
AurpDate, AurFlag, CbsHigh, CliInc, DispmInc, DitRatio, FileDate, ObGtn, PmIncome,
PromoCbs, RqstCldt
Submitting these fields with normal guidelines will NOT work as these require DIFFERENT formatting submission guidelines. Use the following tips for successful data submission:
- Input each submitted numeric value with a positive or negative prefix.
- Sending empty fields in a request will return an error.
- Use the following formats for fields that will not be updated:
- Date = yyymmdd
- Time = HHmmss
- Alphanumeric = letters and numbers only
Misc. Field 1 has 4 positions, so ensure all positions are populated when submitting Misc. Field 1 (even with spaces if no values exist to submit).
Misc. Field 2 has 5 positions, so send all positions populated when submitting.
Misc. Field 3 has 7 positions, so ensure all positions are populated when submitting Misc. Field 3 (even with spaces if no values exist to submit).
Misc. Field 4 has 10 positions, so ensure all positions are populated when submitting Misc. Field 4 (even with spaces if no values exist to submit).
Misc. Field 5 has 8 positions, so ensure all positions are populated when submitting Misc. Field 5 (even with spaces if no values exist to submit).
- When submitting MiscFieldIndex or EnitreField, specify values for all 12 positions.
- Misc. Field 6 _has 12 positions, so if _MiscFieldValue is ABC, add nine (9) spaces afterward.
- When submitting MiscFieldIndex or EnitreField, specify values for all 10 positions.
- Misc. Field 7 has 10 positions, so if MiscFieldValue is ABC, add seven (7) spaces afterward.
- When submitting MiscFieldIndex or EnitreField, specify values for all 10 positions.
- MiscFieldIndex will automatically populate with spaces when submitting empty strings as the MiscFieldValue is “optional”.
- Also send an empty string if this field needs to be cleared.
- Misc. Field 8 has also 10 positions, so if MiscFieldValue is ABC, add seven (7) spaces afterward.
- When submitting MiscFieldIndex or EnitreField, specify values for all 10 positions.
- MiscFieldIndex will automatically populate with spaces when submitting empty strings as the MiscFieldValue is “optional”.
- Also send an empty string if this field needs to be cleared.
- Misc. Field 9 has also 10 positions, so if MiscFieldValue is ABC, add seven (7) spaces afterward.
- When submitting MiscFieldIndex or EnitreField, specify values for all 10 positions.
- Misc. Field 10 has 10 positions, so if MiscFieldValue is ABC, add seven (7) spaces afterward.
- The specified field length intended for the value determines the value of MiscFieldIndex.
- When submitting MiscFieldIndex or EnitreField, specify values for all 50 positions.
- Misc. Field 13 has 50 positions, so if MiscFieldValue is ABC, add forty-seven (47) spaces afterward.